IPPW 2021
Future Missions
Tuesday, August 10th 2021
The planetary science community is in the midst of planning proposals and missions for the next decade and beyond. Through organizations like the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine as well as the European Space Agency, white papers and proposals have been submitted to the “Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032” and “Voyage 2050”. This session will concentrate on new opportunities that pertain to planetary probes and landers.
Session Coordinators:
Robert Buchwald (ESA), Patricia Beauchamp (JPL), Ashley Korzun (NASA-Langley), Jim Cutts (JPL)
Poster Session Coordinators:
Manuel Dominguez (UPC), Jacob Izraelavitz (JPL), Clara O'Farrell (JPL), Lin Li (NASA Langley)
Click Here to Register for the Session
Virtual Workshop Program (Tuesday, August 10th 2021)

Francesca Ferri
The Atmospheric Structure Instrument (ASI) for the in situ exploration of the Ice Giants

Austin Escobedo
Artificial Neural Networks for State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries on Small Satellites
Soumyo Dutta
Guidance & Control Techniques for Titan Aerogravity Assist for Enceladus Observation
Jasper Edwards
EVN Observations of Mars Landers - Enhancing Knowledge of the Martian Interior
Harvey Gomez
Relative Navigation and Landing Site Detection Using Lidar Data For Powered Descent On Small Planetary Bodies