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IPPW 2021




Innovative Concepts for Exploration
Tuesday, July 27th 2021

Anchor 1

This session invites submission of abstracts that propose novel and highly innovative future mission concepts, scientific measurement instruments, as well as technologies for solar system exploration. This includes, but is not limited to, non-traditional entry, descent, and landing concepts, multi-sensor/multi-probe and swarm approaches for in-situ exploration of solar system bodies, innovative solutions for reducing mission risk and/or life cycle costs. Preference will be given to visionary and outside-the-box ideas that have a potential to significantly advance state of the art in current exploration approaches, capabilities or technologies.


Session Coordinators:

Dmitriy Shutin (DLR), Robert Dillman (NASA-Langley), Alena Probst (JPL)


Poster Session Coordinators:

Manuel Dominguez (UPC), Jacob Izraelavitz (JPL), Clara O'Farrell (JPL), Lin Li (NASA Langley)


Click Here to Register for the Session


Virtual Workshop Program (Tuesday, July 27th 2021)

Anchor 2
Disclaimer: Times are subject to change
Poster Sessions
Anchor 3
Maximilian Nitsch
TRIPLE-nanoAUV - A Guidance, Navigation and Control System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle to Explore the Oceans of Icy Moons
Peter Hastie
The Use of In-Space Manufactured Foams for Aerocapture
Fuya Akiyama
Passive Deployment Demonstration Of Shape Memory Alloy Type Aeroshell Using Hypersonic Wind Tunnel
Joon Yang
Ultra-Safe Propulsion Solutions For Cluster Cubesats
Julia Kowalski
A Virtual Testbed Infrastructure For Cryo-Robotic Subsurface Exploration
Thomas Timmons
Solar System Swarm Probes: An Earth-based Technology Demonstrator
Nicholas Deitrich
A Rideshare Tensegrity Rover Concept to Explore Titan’s Lands and Oceans
Andrew Galassi
Anchoring Instrument Platform for the Exploration of Extreme Terrains on Mars - Preliminary Hardware Design
Rute Luz
Enhanced Lunar Exploration Through Earth-Based Teleoperation Of Rovers: Augmented Interfaces To Minimize Latency Impact
Jean-Pierre de la Croix
Runtime Updates to BPMN Mission Models in the Europa Lander Mission Concept with TRACE
Matthew Garrett
NephEx: A Nephelometer for Probing Planetary Atmospheres
Anchor 4
Session Video & Archive
IPPW 2021
Innovative Concepts for Exploration
Full Session
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